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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hey ya! Sorry for the very3 late updating of my blog.. Tis few mths theres alot of things happened to me.. Abt my relationship, my famili n my werk.. Till nw I still cnt to find any full time jobs tt suit me the best.. Yah.. I noe tt I cnt be choosy abt full time jobs, bt wat if I really dun like the job? Must I take it for the sake of money? Its no use.. Sometimes we shud be choosy over somethings.. Especially abt job.. Its for our future and also its our life term job tt we cnt simply take it for granted.. For relationship, we nearly end up breaking up, bt lucky of me to haf HIM who is always gif in to me n the one who save our relationship frm coming to an end.. Hehehe.. Ermm.. As usual for girls.. Always didnt tink twice b4 doing anything wen shes angry.. Hehehe.. Abt my famili.. Nehhh.. Im lazy to tok abt it.. Gif me the heartache onli.. Bt wat to do.. Dey r still my famili.. Wifout dem, theres no me.. Dey r everything to me..

♥ a butterfly landed @ Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Awww.. Im so damn tired today.. I didnt even get a wink of slip aft coming bck frm clubbing wif haisah, ayu (haisah's cousin) n her frens.. B4 going clubbing, I went to my classmates chalet.. Its was for class gathering as we will not be seeing each other after tis.. Bt.. I dun noe y.. Wen me, haisah n ayu arrived, we r the onli ppl who made the noisest among all.. Y ehk?? Dun noe ley.. I dun noe lah if aft we blah.. The chalet tu kecoh ke tk arh as we didnt stay for long.. We did stay to help the rest of my classmates for bbqing.. Yah.. It was fun as I had long time didnt go to any chalet or pit.. eheheh..

So.. Aft eating until our stomach full, we made a move as there was nothing for us at the chalet.. Everyone was toking among themselves.. Hello.. Was it a class gathering or grp gathering??? I wonder..?? So.. To elakkan dari bosan pt chalet, me, haisah n ayu planned to go clubbing.. Since we nvr been to club together b4.. So.. Today it was my chance to njoy.. Bt.. Bkn njoy solo babe.. Bwk my guy along.. So first we went to MOS.. Dh bored we went to Phunk Club n lastly St James Power Stnt.. Dh pnt joget kte sumer lepak2 pt VIVO CT..

Fuh.. Punyer lah happening.. Ape tk nyer.. First time dok g club n coincidently today, me n my guy r celebrating our 11 mth anniversary.. So njoy sakan arh.. So.. Inside the club to I no nid to tell lh ye.. Phm2 sendiri lh ye ape tejd pt dlm club.. Nasib baik g on wed.. Ladies Nite.. Free lh for us Ladies.. So.. Too bad for the guys.. hehehe..

Oklh.. Enuf toking abt today outing.. Bt.. I juz hope tt today outing nvr ends.. It was too fast to end.. Nvm.. May b there will b a next time? U nvr noe.. hehehe..

♥ a butterfly landed @ Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Since tis few wks I had a big quarell wif hubby including 2day tt somehow somewat i wanna break up wif him.. i juz cnt stand his attitude tt he oways get pissed off wen we nid ani discussion abt our relationship.. nw my luv towards him r getting lesser aft wat had happen.. he really made a greatest mistake tt made my luv and care towards him getting lesser.. ermm.. i juz dun noe wat to do.. shud i still asked for a break up eventhough i still luv him?? or nt?? i dun noe the ans myself.. he did say to me tt half of his heart has oready belongs to me n he cnt live wifout me.. haizzz.. i even dun noe y hubby's fren's sista n her fren n including his fren's fiancee's sista call us "The Swit Couple".. wat makes they call us tt?? i eva asked one of his fren's sista.. she told me tt she was jealous to see tt me n hubby r oways laughing, making jokes together unlike her n her guy.. den i asked her again.. y dun u call ur bro n his fiancee suwit couple?? isnt if the couple r engaged makes dem even more switter?? ermmm.. i juz hope i gt the ans to my questions.. i gt alot of questions tt havent been ans...

♥ a butterfly landed @ Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Fuh!! Today it was me n hubby 1st advance valentine celebration together.. Almaklumlh.. Luckily today hubby nyer pay day.. So 1st.. We went to Bugis.. As usual we took neoprint.. Den he said tt he wanted to buy for me something.. I was totally shocked tt he wanted to buy for me a big Winnie the Pooh bear tt cost him up to 40 plus dollar.. I juz said tt its okie n he's fine wif him bt still he wanted me to choose other bear n regard tt as a present frm him to me.. So.. Biler survey2 tt shop.. I totally went crazy.. Dun noe which bear to choose other den winnie the pooh lh.. So after looking thru finally I chose a bear wif 4 pink heart n a rose at its hand tt cost him $16.90.. After paying, he told me tt he wanted to buy for me a necklace or a bangle or a ring or a earring.. He asked me to choose either one of those.. Wen I told him tt its enuf for me, he said tt its juz once in a while tt he buy for me gift.. So.. Nk sdp kn ati dia, I told him tt I tk cerewet coz dia yg nk li kn utk me.. So went arnd the Bugis Junction to search.. Den we stop at one shop stating 2 for $12.. So.. I bought one necklace n a pair of earrings..

So.. After walking arnd we met hubby fren n lepak2 dgn dorg.. We went to Far East.. So frm Bugis we took a bus n stopped at Somerset.. So we walked all the way to Far East.. Otw there, we stopped again at a shop stating 3 for $10 selling of rings,necklace.. N I totally admire one particular ring tt look kinda of like an engagement ring.. So I asked hubby for his opinion n tought of buying it the next time I come to tt shop.. Bt den he asked me whether I wanted it or not.. Bt before I can ans his ques he oready asked the lady for the price of the ring n bought for me.. So total he spend on me was arnd $32.90.. Ni tk termsk dgn duit mkn agik.. So.. Today was the first time tt he spend tt much on me for only one day..

Thx hubby for today romantik outing.. I juz hope u can read my blog coz I dun noe how to repay u bck aft u spend so much on me.. I really4 appreciate for all tt u had done for me.. Eventhough we did quarrel alot bt despite all tt we still love each other n still nid each other support, care n concern..

♥ a butterfly landed @ Saturday, February 10, 2007

Thursday, February 01, 2007

At last.. alhamdulillah my sick has gone.. bt onli my neck is slowly recovering.. ermmm... tomolo wiill be my tiring day as i will be helping my mum at hm in serving guests foods.. there will be some "Jawatankuasa Meeting" at my hm tomolo.. its consists onli my neighbour frm different blocks.. tired2.. bt it will be kinda of interesting to get involve.. so at least i noe wat my dad n the others will be toking n discussing abt.. hehehehe.. bt.. cn b boring too.. as i cnt do anithing or even watch the tv while the guests still at my hse.. ermmm.. cnt even kol my SYG oso.. ermmmmm.... bt wat to do.. haf to respect guests.. hehehe.. hmmm.. wat shud i wear for tomolo?? i havent make up my mind wat to wear?? must wear my "tudung" oso?? OMG.. its leceh man!!! wif all the serving of foods .. tk psl2.. my tudung nnt yg mkn.. hahaha.. so i juz hope i wun b long.. tkt nnt mata tk blh nk angkat.. kalo nk tdo tk aik plak kn.. oso.. aft the occasion i still haf to get up n help my mum again to clean everything up.. haizz...

Ermm.. ydae i totally forgt tt we haf a claz photo taking.. haizzz.. yelah.. tk dtg skul.. MC.. so.. i dun noe if im going to buy the pic or nt as my face is nt in the pic.. tis is the first time of my entire skul yr tt i didnt turn up for the photo taking.. ermmm.. wait2.. i still remember tis is nt the first time.. bt the second time.. the first time was way bck wen i was in sec 4.. taking my solo pic to put in my portfolio.. my whole famili woke up late n i was totally forgot abt tt.. so.. i guess in my klaz i was the onli one who didnt haf ani grad pic in my portfolio fail.. hehehe.. one in the million kn.. kalo in the future my manager ask.. tk kn nk ckp yg i woke up late n didnt turn up for the photo shooting?? uat malu jer.. ermmm.. ntah lh ye.. juz wait n see for the future to come..

♥ a butterfly landed @ Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ermmm... wat a bad wk for me.. first, i got a fever which is on n off.. den a headache.. den lastly, a stiff neck which is unbearable n i haf difficulty to move my head frm rite to left.. haizzz... tis is wat happen if long time didnt get ani illness.. wen it happen to come.. ermmm.. frm one illness to many illness tt come by.. bt luckily i gt tis sickness.. at least i can stay at hm n rest.. nwaday skul is BORING.. lessons r getting frm bad to worse.. im getting lazy to go to skul.. frm the marketing projects tt nvr end to the advance excel tt is damn difficult wif all the formulars to remember.. i dun noe whether tis final semester i cn score n go to poly or nt.. or the worse i cn get to is polyclinic lh.. hehehe.. eventhough i try bt my brain is getting rusty frm all the remembering of notes.. i juz hope my parents wud understand tt somehow i dun tink i can make it to poly.. i noe all parents want the best for their children.. bt not all child is the same.. bt wat to do.. i juz haf to try my best to make my parents proud.. my parents always told me,"Selagi blh blajar, blajar.. Keje tu blh biler2.. Nnt kalo dh keje aru ingat nk blajar alek uat pe??".. wat my parents told me r true bt.. *sigh*.. i dun noe lh.. my guy also ask me tt if i cn make it to poly y must i juz let go for it.. bt.. if im still skuling i still haf to kip it as secret again abt my relationship wif my guy.. my parents will explode if they noe tt im in relationship.. bt sometime i cnt wait to haf a full time job n support my famili.. eventhough im werking part time bt i sometime didnt get to njoy tt much wif my money.. paying of my bills, transport money, duit mkn.. im left wif a little money for me to njoy to go shopping to buy wat i want.. haizzz.. if i want to ask frm my guy money oso i haf to tink tt he gt siblings to take care for.. sometime wat his father gave some money to his siblings is nt enuf for dem to eat at hm n at skul.. sometime oso wen his dad short of money he will ask money frm his siblings.. wat kind of father is he?? he cant even support his children?? sometime i wanna ask my guy what his dad do to his money n where it gone to?? bt.. its his famili matter n im juz an outsider.. i dun haf the courage to ask eventhough im his gal.. bt im juz curious.. bt.. nt onli his dad, his mum oso. she will ask frm him money.. sometime i juz wanna him to say to his mum tt he oso nid the money for himself as he left wif little money aft giving some to his siblings.. bt.. tts his mum.. wat i cn say is.."Kasi jer lh.. Yelah tu kn ur mum.." haizzz... im juz pity for him.. i juz cant wait for me oso to get his full time job.. bt sometime i juz cnt understand.. his parents r werking bt where do all their money goes to?? i noe abt his mum.. paying the rent of the hse shes staying at.. the bills.. bt as a mum.. cn she sees her son suffer by wanting to gif some money to her?? my guy is juz a young adult i cn say n oso nid some njoyment n nt stuck wif famili probs... like my mum always say to me.. eventhough theres some financial probs in my famili, my mum wun tell me until if they really tinks her children nids to noe.. nt burden dem wif the probs.. tts y i always feel tt im lucky to haf a famili like tis.. bt despite all tis, tts some probs tt i dun noe n my parents r gd at keeping it.. dey dun like me to tink abt tis n my studies will be disturbed.. its between my parents to tink.. my mum love to say tis sentence,"Kakak jgn risau.. Mk nk kakak blajar jer.. sal duit mak dgn bpk blh urus kn.." Sometimes i dun get sad wen heard wat my mum said.. tts y like i say, i cnt wait to get a full time job n support my famili n nt to burden them animore.. they suffer alot.. so tis time arnd my part as their eldest daughter is to make them happy n pay wat they had done to make their children stay healthy n get gd educations..

♥ a butterfly landed @ Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thursday, January 25, 2007

haizzz.. wat m i doing rite nw?? i was supposed to do my AOA assignment bt here I am update my blog.. in the first place i tot tt AOA was easy.. juz computer.. bt.. aft doing the advance excel.. fuh.. so damn difficult.. there r alot of formula to remember.. juz i tot tt this excel will be easy as my Nitec excel.. nw oso i haf a fever.. bt still coming to skul.. tot of nt coming bt juz remember tt im werking today.. been a few yrs didnt get fever.. skali kene rabak.. luckily my guy gave me his fever medicine.. so at least im okie for the time being.. juz hopefully my fever didnt last tt long.. i juz hate of having a fever.. bt skali skale kalo sakit blh lh dpt manje2 dgn my guy.. like ydae wen i was otw hm.. my temperature rose.. i was so damn cold tt eventhough i wore my sweater i still cant stand the coldness.. so.. wen he saw tt i was shivering, he hug me n hold my hand to keep me warm.. ouhhhh... isnt tt touching?? eheheheh.. nw.. im oso still cant stand the coldness as im in smart rm..

coincidently, my best fren oso going to haf a fever.. (i tink, bt i juz gave her the panadol).. ermmm... pelik2.. eventhough we r best fren sometimes haf different interest.. bt, our taste cn oways be the same.. n nw we r both sick.. no mood to make jokes.. arggghhhh.. my headache is coming bck again!! cam mls nk g keje bt.. its been 2 wks i didnt werk.. nnt no money for myself.. nnt who will be supporting me if i dun haf ani money?? haizzz... nw i noe tt werking is nt easy as i tink.. skuling is fun bt wen we r broke still we haf to werk to earn extra money even if we r sick.. we will still try our best to go to werk.. haizzz.. i cn juz imagine if onli my dad is a billionaire.. like Bill Gates.. will it be cool to haf a dad like tt.. no nid to tink abt money.. tk de duit mintak jer bpk.. hehehe.. bt.. in S'pore it difficult for tt unless we haf our own company.. haizz..

♥ a butterfly landed @ Thursday, January 25, 2007