Awww.. Im so damn tired today.. I didnt even get a wink of slip aft coming bck frm clubbing wif haisah, ayu (haisah's cousin) n her frens.. B4 going clubbing, I went to my classmates chalet.. Its was for class gathering as we will not be seeing each other after tis.. Bt.. I dun noe y.. Wen me, haisah n ayu arrived, we r the onli ppl who made the noisest among all.. Y ehk?? Dun noe ley.. I dun noe lah if aft we blah.. The chalet tu kecoh ke tk arh as we didnt stay for long.. We did stay to help the rest of my classmates for bbqing.. Yah.. It was fun as I had long time didnt go to any chalet or pit.. eheheh..
So.. Aft eating until our stomach full, we made a move as there was nothing for us at the chalet.. Everyone was toking among themselves.. Hello.. Was it a class gathering or grp gathering??? I wonder..?? So.. To elakkan dari bosan pt chalet, me, haisah n ayu planned to go clubbing.. Since we nvr been to club together b4.. So.. Today it was my chance to njoy.. Bt.. Bkn njoy solo babe.. Bwk my guy along.. So first we went to MOS.. Dh bored we went to Phunk Club n lastly St James Power Stnt.. Dh pnt joget kte sumer lepak2 pt VIVO CT..
Fuh.. Punyer lah happening.. Ape tk nyer.. First time dok g club n coincidently today, me n my guy r celebrating our 11 mth anniversary.. So njoy sakan arh.. So.. Inside the club to I no nid to tell lh ye.. Phm2 sendiri lh ye ape tejd pt dlm club.. Nasib baik g on wed.. Ladies Nite.. Free lh for us Ladies.. So.. Too bad for the guys.. hehehe..
Oklh.. Enuf toking abt today outing.. Bt.. I juz hope tt today outing nvr ends.. It was too fast to end.. Nvm.. May b there will b a next time? U nvr noe.. hehehe..